Last post I said I would come up with a some short descriptions of the different factions (called Cults) in Degenesis to make it easier for players to build a character without having to read hundreds of pages of lore, using the system hidden inside the old World of Darkness. First, a short sentence or two description of each faction, then a short paragraph, then the multi-page description for those players who are really interested in that faction based on the previous descriptions.
At first, I was thinking I'd have to write the short sentence and the short paragraph, but it turns out Degenesis already has a short paragraph on each Cult, and I had just forgotten that they existed after reading another 300 pages past that point. A glossary helps though, so I made up at least the start of one (I'm sure I missed something somewhere).
By the way, the edition I'm using was downloaded in April 2020. The edition currently available is in one combined volume, so I don't know how my page numbers will match up, but hopefully it will help to get you started if you choose to look into this game.
So, without further ado:
Spitalians – Healers, doctors, medical researchers; the front line against the Sepsis and the Psychonaut threat to Europe
Chroniclers – Information dealers and hackers; they pay for technological relics, with the end goal of setting up a new Stream (global information network)
Hellvetics – The most advanced military force in Europe, armed with triple-barreled assault rifles and full-body armor; often hired out as mercenaries
Judges – Bringers of law and order to northern Europe, by might of their hammers and flintlocks
Scrappers – Recoverers of the past; whether they work alone or as part of a team, Scrappers know where to find relics and technology from before the apocalypse and how to put it to use
Clanners – A catch-all term for any number of relatively small groups; Clanners can be stone-age hunter-gatherers or motorized nomads, but in any case, their Clan is their family
Anubians – African mystics with seemingly magical power over the Psychovores as well as cultural power over other Africans
Scourgers – African warrior caste armed with assault rifles and armor from before the apocalypse, and traditions extending much further back than that
Neolibyans – Followers of a creed first espoused by “the Libyan”, Neolibyans seek economic and political power through exploration, diplomacy, and trade
Apocalyptics – Dealers in all sorts of vice and crime: gambling, drugs, prostitution, human trafficking, piracy, and more
Jehammedans – A new Abrahamic religion, devoted to raising sheep and waging war; their destiny within the Cult is determined at birth
Anabaptists – A religious Cult devoted to wiping out the evils of the Psychonauts and making the Earth into a Paradise once more
Palers – The guardians of the Dispensers, servants of the Sleepers, heirs of the Recombination Group, phantoms in the night
Short paragraphs: pp 50-53 of Degenesis: Primal Punk (Book 1)
Main descriptions: all from Degenesis: Primal Punk (Book 1)
Spitalians: pp 150-163
Chroniclers: pp 164-177
Hellvetics: pp 178-191
Judges: pp 192-205
Clanners: pp 206-219
Scrappers: pp 220-233
Neolibyans: pp 234-247
Scourgers: pp 248-261
Anubians: pp 262-275
Jehammedans: pp 276-289
Apocalyptics: pp 290-303
Anabaptists: pp 304-317
Palers: pp 318-331
Character creation rules: all from Degenesis: Katharsys (Book 2)
Spitalians: pp 46-49
Chroniclers: pp 50-53
Hellvetics: pp 54-57
Judges: pp 58-61
Clanners: pp 62-65
Scrappers: pp 66-69
Neolibyans: pp 70-73
Scourgers: pp 74-77
Anubians: pp 78-81
Jehammedans: pp 82-85
Apocalyptics: pp 86-89
Anabaptists: pp 90-93
Palers: pp 94-97
Aberrant – another name for Psychonaut
Alcove – a small Chronicler enclave
Ambrosia – a nanite fluid that gives Marauders their power
AMSUMO – a security robot; most have been infected by a virus and have corrupted programming
Ascetic – the laboring caste of the Anabaptist cult
Bedain – formerly known as Sicily; now a staging area for African forays into Europe.
Biokinetic – a Psychonaut with the power to reshape its body; generally found in Pollen and associated with Pandora crater.
Burn – a drug found in spore fields, trafficked by Apocalyptics; use of it contaminates the body with Sepsis
Bygone – people, technology, or times from before the Eshaton
Chakra – an early Hindu concept concerning energy centers in the human body; the Chakras seem to correspond to the Earth Chakras and the different Raptures
Cluster – a large Chronicler enclave
Codex – the system of laws enforced by the Judges, as set down by the First Judge and amended ever since by the High Judges
Corpse – the landmass formerly consisting of Sardinia and Corsica; now a stronghold of Apocalyptic pirates
Cusp – a papery growth found in spore fields containing Burn
Demiurge – in the Anabaptist tradition, the enemy of God and source of all evil
Dinar – the major currency of Africa; a gold coin
Discordance – a zone between the Earth Chakras of Europe and the Psychovore forests of Africa; the Primer creates strange, ethereal, membranous creatures here
Dispenser – cryogenic sleep chambers set up by the Recombination Group; Sleepers are supposed to emerge every hundred years from the Dispensers, although something seems to have gone wrong with the plan
Draft – the major currency of Europe; fiat currency issued by Chroniclers and pegged to the Dinar
Druschinnik – bodyguard of the Piast of Wroclaw (Pollen)
Dushani – Psychonaut with a sound-based powers that exert wave forces and manipulate minds; associated with the Balkhan and Usud crater
Earth Chakra – craters from the asteroid bombardment of the Eshaton; so called because they seem to correspond to the Chrakras of the human body from ancient Hindu beliefs
Elysian oil – oils made by the Anabaptists which enhance various mental or emotional faculties
Enigmate – Pregnoctic prophets who aid the Hybrispanians against the African conquerors
Eshaton – the apocalypse; caused by asteroids containing an alien mutagen 500 years ago
Famulancer – low level Spitalians, just beginning their study of medicine
Filament – a sharp force-field generated by Psychokinetics
Fractal Forest – strange forests that spring up from dead spore fields; revered by Anabaptists, distrusted by Spitalians, burned by Apocalyptics
Garganti – a Clan whose lifestyle is based around mammoths, which were genetically re-engineered before the Eshaton
Gendo – a wolf-like predator
Guardian – the technicians maintaining the Dispensers; Palers and their ancestors
Guerrero – a Hybrispanian Clan fighting against African conquerors
HIVE – Human ImmunoVirus Extreme; an airborne version of HIV
Iconide – Jehammedan mystic and maker of holy icons
Imiut skin – the skin of a jackal or Gendo, which an Anubian can sew a recently dead body into to return it to life
Janite – foreign mercenary soldier of Osman (Borca)
Kom – battle buggies used by Scourgers
Leperos – a person afflicted with Sepsis beyond help or hope; usually a Burn addict
Marauder – a creature (person?) of godlike power, powered by Ambrosia
Marduk oil – oil created by the Anubians; a layer of it on the skin blocks the effects of a Pheromancer's power
Mirar – the Earth Chakra of Hybrispania; associated with Pregnoctics
Mnemonid – a type of Pregnoctic
Mollusk – a biological device created by the Spitalians to detect Sepsis
Node – a powerful type of Pregnoctic
Nox – the Earth Chakra of Purgare; associated with Psychokinetics
Orgiastic – the warrior caste of the Anabaptist cult
Pandora – the Earth Chakra of Pollen; associated with Biokinetics
Pheromancer – a Psychonaut with pheromone based mind control powers; generally found in Franka and associated with Souffrance crater
Piast – the leader of Wroclaw (Pollen)
Pregnoctic – a Psychonaut with time based powers; generally found in Hybrispania and associated with Mirar crater
Preservist – a member of the security branch of the Spitalians
Primer – the name given to the alien mutagen which has given rise to the Earth Chakras, Psychovores, and Discordance
Protectorate – the area governed by the Codex of the Judges; capital: Justitian; stretches across parts of Borca and Franka
Psychokinetic – a Psychonaut with telekinetic and force-field type powers; generally found in Purgare and associated with Nox crater
Psychonaut – descended from humans, but no longer human, Psychonauts have strange powers that threaten humanity as we know it
Psychovore – Primer-altered plants from Africa; their thorns cause Raze
Rapture – any of the five main categories of Psychonaut powers
Raze – a type of poisoning from Psychovore thorns that inevitably leads to death if left untreated; Anubians are resistant to the Raze
Reaper's Blow – a long scar across Europe left by an asteroid strike; a region of magma flows, only crossable at certain points
Recombination Group – a Bygone cult based on memetic manipulation; built the Dispensers and the psychological environment of the Guardians just before the Eshaton so high-ranking members would be kept alive cryogenically and reborn into a world ripe for their takeover
Sepsis – contamination by the Primer
Shutter – a Chronicler assassin
Sleeper – Recombination Group cult members who were supposed to be released from cryogenic sleep in waves to take positions of power in the post-Eshaton world
Souffrance – the Earth Chakra of Franka; associated with Pheromancers
Soulless One – a Psychonaut
Spital – the headquarters of the Spitalians
Spitfire – a flamethrower used by the Anabaptists
Splayer – a spear-like weapon with scissoring blades used by the Spitalians
Stream – pre-Eshaton information network
Sun Disk – electronic tools that can be used to control technology and systems within the Dispensers
Usud – the Earth Chakra of Balkhan; associated with Dushani
Voivodate – a part of Balkhan ruled by a voivod (warlord)
Voivodule – a member of a Balkhan Clan of old (supplanted) nobility
Warpage – an area of Hybrispania where time doesn't work right as a side effect of the Pregnoctics and Mirar crater
Warui – a side effect of the Psychovores that creates a natural understanding to those affected; they can express complex thoughts with very few sounds, regardless of whether they share a common language